Sunfall LARP the deeply engaging live action RPG that will transport you to a post-apocalyptic world where resources are scarce and survival is the name of the game. With amazing costumes and captivating narration, Sunfall will give you a unique and unforgettable experience that will give you the feeling that you have really lived in a world where everything has collapsed after the apocalypse.
Are you ready to take on the challenge and see what it's like to live in this harsh and unforgiving world? Join us for the Sunfall Roleplay and find out!
This is a members-only activity that requires an active membership. Read more and purchase membership. Read more and purchase membership Here
Sunfall community

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The Sunfall LARP has its own website with plenty of information and pictures.

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Are you ready to sign up? Then go directly to our registration here, and we look forward to seeing you.

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Thank you for a great Sunfall 3.0 Workshop.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the weekend workshop! It was great to see so many who are passionate about the project and willing to help improve the Sunfall experience. The notes from the weekend are that there should be more focus on Wonderland being a settlement and what [...]

Sunfall 3.0 workshop

Welcome to Sunfall 3.0 Workshop (Physical & Online)! This event is dedicated to shaping the future of the Sunfall universe. We gather to explore new horizons, discuss the potential for spinoff events, and develop activities that can expand and enrich the Sunfall experience. Activities: Welcome and Introduction: A brief presentation of today's agenda [...]

  • TV interview tv2 øst kulturoplevelser

Sunfall: Short Interview and Recording on TV2 East

TV2 East provided viewers with a brief but memorable insight into the post-apocalyptic role-playing game "Sunfall" with an exclusive interview and footage. This program visited the location of "Sunfall" and gave viewers a taste of the dystopian world created for the role-playing game. Although brief, it managed to evoke [...]

Photos from previous activities